11 March 2014

Revel Fest: The Audition

I was a total nervous wreck.
I decided to take part in our school's talent time, Revel Fest,
since it's my last chance to have a go at it.
(We're graduating this year.)
But instead of the usual dance genre I'm more comfortable with,
I bucked up my courage and joined mandarin solo singing instead.
First, I have never sung on stage before.
Second, I have never joined a singing competition before.
Third, I'm singing alone.
I just knew I would freak out.
My heart started pounding away when the first mandarin soloist went up,
and I just felt like I couldn't remember the first line to my song.
It was worse when I stood on stage, when there were so many people looking at me.
I paused once during the first few lines because I almost forgot the lyrics.
(Ok technically I forgot the lyrics since I paused. BUT I recovered quick haha.)
Halfway through the song, I could feel myself trembling a little inside.
I was literally shaking after I got off the stage.
When I told people that I would feel nervous on stage, nobody believed me.
"Aiya you had so much experience dancing on stage, still will scared one meh?"
Hello, singing and dancing are two different things ok?
When I dance, even if I get nervous and tremble a little,
it can't really be seen since my body is moving anyway.
But when I sing, there isn't much movement and people can see
quite clearly if I shake or if my voice falters.
It's just a different experience I guess.
Looking at the video of myself singing just now,
I can't help but feel disappointed at myself.
I feel that I could have done better.
I literally looked like a block of wood cuz I just stood there without
moving the whole freaking time.
A singing block of wood.
I guess I'm not having my hopes up.
Results won't be out so soon, so in the mean time I'm just gonna chill.
Don't get me wrong, I still love singing!
Maybe if I don't make the cut I'll just keep to singing in the bathroom instead HAHA.
Will update this post as soon as results are released!

I'M IN!!! Wish me luck for semi-finals okie haha :)

I didn't make it through finals... But I guess that's alright. Kbox here I comeeeeeee!

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