29 June 2014

Short Update

It's the eve of our mid-years and I know I probably shouldn't be blogging at this time but I thought I should just update yall on my progress...
Time, you old man, you are going way too fast for your own good.
My memory is so bad that I can't retain the information I have digested :(
I need more RAM for my memory. Lol.
If you get what I mean.
Every study session never fails to leave my brain fried up from overheating.
I need more brain cells!!
Ok I'm done here, I need to get back to my last minute mugging haha.
Good luck to all my friends out there who have to deal with the same cruelty of having tests after a holiday.

Ha. Ha. Ha.

19 June 2014

An open letter to the future Me

Hi there.
For the few of you who frequent this space of mine,
I know I haven't been updating much lately.
To be honest, I don't even know if there are any of you who come and check out my blog frequently.
I don't know if I bore my readers or if I lose readers because of my lack of posts.
Maybe some of you feel this way LOL
I will be truthful here.
I won't be blogging much this year because it's a critical year for me.
At the end of the year, I will be facing this monster called the A LEVELS.
Cringing at just the thought of it yikes.
There are so many things that I want to do this year.
Having won the pageant Teenage Mission: Gorgeous You last year (you can read more about it here if you didn't know about it), I'm really excited to venture into the world of modelling.
I also wanna learn how to drive and get my driving licence since I'm 18.
I wanna go overseas for holidays and explore the world.
But I know all these gotta wait.

Talking about Teenage Mission: Gorgeous You, they are running the pageant again this year!
Will pop by during their finals to support haha.

I have to admit I haven't been doing well with my studies since I entered JC.
I know that I have a lot to catch up with and I really need the time to study.
If there's anything I can do extremely well,

I swear, if there's a subject that teaches the art of procrastination,
I will pass with flying colours.

In fact, I'm procrastinating right now by typing this blog post.

Okok I will finish this off soon and get back to my revision!

The main point of this blog post is that I wanna pen (or type) down my thoughts at this moment so that the future me can read it and reflect on myself 5 months later (after my A levels).
In fact, I actually had this idea to type an open letter to the future me while typing this blog post.

Well, here it goes:

15 June 2014

Trick Eye Museum x Sentosa

A post after a long long time!
Been mugging lately and I only get to take a few breathers now and then,
even though it's supposedly our June holiday now.
Nope, no holiday.
Only mug-every-day.
So so so I'm taking a break to blog because I've just had a fantabusome (fantabulous and awesome) day at the Trick Eye Museum Singapore!!
It was a day out for me and mah boo, Oink.

Got photobombed by this uncle behind us, hence the chick sticker lol.

This place is like some huge studio where everyone is having their own photoshoot at the same time.
We took like over 200 photos in just 2 hours,
but of course in the end only about 90 made the cut hehe.
There are so many photos that I don't even know where to begin!
Ok I'm gonna start with this:
I can't get over this picture omg I just go pffft when I look at this pic.
Every. Single. Time.
Okay now I'm gonna share with yall some of my favourite photos taken from the museum.
I didn't take a photo with every single artwork because it got really crowded and almost everywhere you walk you will either be a) blocking somebody taking pictures b) blocking somebody whose picture is getting taken c) standing on/in part of an artwork.
It's not everything (because trust me, there's a lot more to see at the museum)
but if you absolutely hate anything that spoils the fun for you then scroll no further!
Ok start le ahh!