It's been ages since I last blogged! looking at those posts from last year makes me feel like I've grown up haha. I read them and go like urgh? I wrote that?
Anyways I stopped blogging last year because I was kinda busy and because I dropped my phone into the toilet bowl (it slipped out of my back pocket) and it totally drowned and died. totally have a thing against squat toilets after that incident :/ so yeah I was blogging quite often last year because it was convenient to use my phone to blog, and I stumbled upon this old blog earlier on and thought maybe I can try reviving it. *stresses on the word TRY hehe*
Another reason why I wanna blog again is because I wanna have a record of my journey in dance! I have like super bad stm so idk if I mentioned this here before, but yeah I dance. A lot. So I have this upcoming performance in May/June this year, looking forward to it! Lots of pretty costumes, cute dancers from lower grades (They are so freaking cute halp I'm becoming pedo hiak hiak~) and really nice dances!
So now I'm in JC year 1, gotta be more mature le haha (even though I still feel like I'm a kid). I'll tryyyyyy to blog more often, and post pretty pictures hehe~
Oh oh oh, so I went SCAPE with huien, huiwen and tania on Good Friday, and we took lots of pretty pics!
Huien and Tania~

A group pic ^-^
Me trying to act like a model haha~
How how? Got potential anot? hehe
But usually I'm unglam like this HAHA
So yupp that shall be it for my first post in 2013, adioooooooos~